Outeniqua Transport Museum & 5 Years of blogging
Today is this blogs 5th birthday. After a lot of debating with myself I published my first post on Monday 20 February 2012. The post was about a visit to the Outeniqua Transport Museum in George. For the first two years I posted regularly…about 10 times a month on average. Then in 2014 my husband got sick and our son was born and only 14 posts were written in the last 3 years. This year I am trying to get back to regular post. My goal is one post every 2 weeks. This is my 5 th post for the year. Let’s see if I can keep it going for the whole year. *** On 16 December 2016 I visited the Outeniqua Transport Museum with my husband H and our 2-year old son JW. I did not realize that it was 5 years since our last visit to this museum or that a post about the museum will be perfect on the 5th anniversary of my first post. H loves old trains and he passed this love to our son. Both were very excited for the visit. As soon as we got out of th