George Old Car Show

Every year an Old Car Show is held in George at the P W Botha College.  But it seems that I always had something else to do on the show weekend.  2013 was the 16th time the show was held.

The show was on 9 and 10 February 2013.  H had to help out at the show.  He sold tickets at the gate. My dad and I took him some lunch and decided to go take a look at the cars.

There were a lot of stalls selling different things for vehicles but also other items like different kinds of food.  We looked around for a while and then walked to the arena.  We found 2 chairs to sit and look at the cars.  The cars drive around the arena while a commentator gives a bit of information about is.  Then he also talks to the owner of the car.  This was very interesting.  We saw the cars that were manufactured between 1900’s and 1930’s.  I cannot remember the detail of the cars but here are some photos. 


Unfortunately the weather was not great.  It was cold and started raining. We did not stay very long but I did enjoy it.  I hope the weather is better next year that we can stay longer.


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